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Become a Sponsor at your choice level: Bronze [$1,00]; Silver [$2,500]; Gold [$5,000]; Platinum [$10,000]. In return for supporting Woodbury Options for Women financially, businesses are featured and promoted on our website, during the Gala itself and throughout the action catalog as well as being promoted at other Woodbury Options for Women events throughout the following 12 months. Consider your sponsorship as a donation or as part of you advertising budget. 
Woodbury Options for Women - Legacy of Life Gala
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Prestwick Golf Club
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Platinum $0.00

Gold $0.00

Silver $0.00

Bronze $0.00

I would like to make a donation

I authorize Woodbury Life Resource Center to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Woodbury Options for Women - Legacy of Life Gala. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Check back for Live Auction items in September! 

Want to donate a Live Auction or Silent Auction item? Please see the Item Donation page.